Alterportal V2 » Experimental » Edelveiss - The rise and fall of Edel Veiss (2012)
Edelveiss - The rise and fall of Edel Veiss (2012)

Edelveiss - The rise and fall of Edel Veiss (2012)

Edelveiss - The rise and fall of Edel Veiss (2012)

Стиль: Post-Metal / Post-Rock
Страна: Canada
Формат: mp3, 320kbps

1.The rise and fall of Edel Veiss (part 1) Inside Veiss's lab (04:52)
2.The rise and fall of Edel Veiss (part 2) 7.48 countdown (07:48)
3.It's alive (part 1) Nice to meet you (04:53)
4.It's alive (part 2) Love and greatness (08:23)
5.Omen (04:58)
6.Broken (07:11)
7.Dead-end (part 1) Escape (06:17)
8.Dead-end (part 2) Journey in the eyes of Edel (09:58)

Edelveiss - The rise and fall of Edel Veiss (2012)

2 августа 2012
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