Alterportal V2 » Metal » Vanden Plas - Chronicles of the Immortals - Netherworld (Path 1) (2014)
Vanden Plas - Chronicles of the Immortals - Netherworld (Path 1) (2014)
Vanden Plas - Chronicles of the Immortals - Netherworld (Path 1) (2014)

Исполнитель: Vanden Plas
Альбом: Chronicles of the Immortals - Netherworld (Path 1)
Стиль: Progressive Metal
Формат: Mp3 CBR 320kbps
Размер: 191 Mb
Год выпуска: 2014

Vanden Plas - Chronicles of the Immortals - Netherworld (Path 1) (2014)


01. Vision 1ne
02. Vision 2wo - The Black Knight
03. Vision 3hree - Godmaker
04. Vision 4our - Misery Affection Prelude
05. Vision 5ive - A Ghosts Requiem
06. Vision 6ix - New Vampyre
07. Vision 7even - The King and the Children of Lost World
08. Vision 8ight - Misery Affection
09. Vision 9ine - Soul Alliance
10. Vision 10n - InsideEnde vom Anfang 6:05

Vanden Plas - Chronicles of the Immortals - Netherworld (Path 1) (2014)

Vanden Plas - Chronicles of the Immortals - Netherworld (Path 1) (2014)

22 февраля 2014
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