Alterportal V2 » Metal » Infinity Overture - The Infinite Overture Pt. 1 (2011)
Infinity Overture - The Infinite Overture Pt. 1 (2011)
Infinity Overture - The Infinite Overture Pt. 1 (2011)Infinity Overture - The Infinite Overture Pt. 1 (2011)

Исполнитель: Infinity Overture
Альбом: The Infinite Overture Pt.
Стиль:Symphonic Power Metal
Год: 2011
Формат: MP3 CBR 320 kbps
Размер: 104 МБ

Infinity Overture - The Infinite Overture Pt. 1 (2011)

1. The Hunger (04:49)
2. The Stand (04:28)
3. Angels (05:55)
4. Evernight (04:46)
5. Secrets (05:00)
6. Back From the Past (04:59)
7. Smoke and Mirrors (05:01)
8. The Infinite Overture Pt. 1 (07:16)
9. Darkness of Mind (05:04)


Infinity Overture - The Infinite Overture Pt. 1 (2011)
21 января 2011
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