1. Atascatto (2:08)
2. Dolce (2:07)
3. My Sweetest Headache Waltz (2:06)
4. Pedigree (1:46)
5. Hello Tarantino (2:01)
6. Jesse Lee (1:15)
7. Maniqui Bordello (1:12)
8. Mommy (1:38)
9. Antidoll (1:36)
10. Babossa Nova (1:59)
11. Ladie's Coat (2:50)
12. E Frigia Pop (1:32)
13. Pumpkin Pie (3:14)
1. La Belle Indifference (3:12)
2. Suckerphilia (4:09)
3. Buy All My Dreams (3:29)
4. The Peter Pan Syndrome (3:06)
5. The Robbery (2:49)
6. Bluish (3:54)
7. Star Fucker (1:16)
8. Cut It Off (1:59)
9. Convince Me (3:36)
10. You May Kiss The Bride (8:31)
1. You Assfucked My Heart (3:20)
2. Motion Picture Dream Boy (3:04)
3. Until the Day We Die (3:40)
4. Suppertime Rules (4:33)
5. Sérotonine (3:39)
6. Lovely Lips (3:54)
7. Crime Scene (4:46)
8. All Monsters Are Human (3:01)
9. Apricot Dreams (3:49)
10. The Science of Break-Up (3:31)