1. Epilepsy (3:50) 2. Stories (3:11) 3. A Moment Of Clarity (6:01) 4. Jude The Obscene (3:32) 5. Bowels Of Love (2:53) 6. Misery (3:40) 7. Bad Mother (5:45) 8. Me Vs You (6:23) 9. Loose (2:59) 10. Diane (4:59) 11. 30 Seconds (5:24)
1. He's Not That Kind of Girl (3:24) 2. Wall of Mouths (4:08) 3. Jam Jar Jail (4:45) 4. Hate Kill Destroy (3:32) 5. Big Cave in (5:47) 6. Six Mile Water (6:22) 7. Little Tongues First (4:25) 8. Ten Year Plan (5:14) 9. God Kicks (2:41) 10. Other People's Misery (1:53) 11. Sister / Whilst I Pursue My Way Unharmed (28:54)
1. Gimme Back My Brain (2:36) 2. Dance (4:03) 3. This Ones For You (3:45) 4. I Am The Money (3:24) 5. Wicked Man (3:47) 6. Theme From Delorean (4:37) 7. Joey (4:01) 8. Endless Psychology (3:54) 9. Alrite (2:31) 10. Body Bag Girl (3:25) 11. Tango Romeo (3:02) 12. Stalk & Slash (2:24)
1. Hey Satan - You Rock (3:08) 2. Who Knows (2:50) 3. Stand In Line (3:20) 4. Nobody Here But Us (3:27) 5. Watch You Go (2:14) 6. If It Kills Me (3:39) 7. Not In Any Name (3:22) 8. My Voodoo Doll (2:15) 9. Limbo (2:59) 10. Last Blast (3:24) 11. Rust (9:49)
1. Rise Up (Make Yourself Well) (2:48) 2. Die Like A Mother Fucker (2:41) 3. Perish The Thought (3:40) 4. Here Be Monsters (2:44) 5. So Called Life (3:09) 6. Panic (2:02) 7. Polar Bear (3:39) 8. Rock You Monkeys (3:05) 9. Dead (2:37) 10. Long Distance (3:31) 11. This Ship Is Sinking (3:17) 12. Save The Sermon (3:02) 13. Last One To Heaven's A Loser (3:22)
1. Outro (0:33) 2. Sprung (3:50) 3. Deluded Son (2:58) 4. Into The Light (2:56) 5. Lose It All (3:36) 6. Dopamine, Seratonin, Adrenaline (4:17) 7. Unconsoled (3:53) 8. Our White Noise (3:40) 9. Private Nobody (3:49) 10. Rain Hits Concrete (3:07) 11. Fear Of God (3:13) 12. Heart Beat Hits (3:42) 13. Walk Through Darkness (4:49)
1. The Head That Tried To Strangle Itself (3:25) 2. Enjoy The Struggle (4:10) 3. Clowns Galore (3:42) 4. Exiles (5:36) 5. Crooked Timber (5:52) 6. I Told You I Was Ill (3:51) 7. Somnambulist (4:05) 8. Blacken The Page (2:47) 9. Magic Mountain (10:05) 10. Bad Excuse For Daylight (5:49)
1. Living In The Shadow Of A Terrible Thing (3:56) 2. Plague Bell (4:11) 3. Marlow (4:36) 4. Before You, With You, After You (3:32) 5. The Buzzing (3:38) 6. Get Your Dead Hand Off My Shoulder (4:07) 7. Ghost Trio (5:19) 8. Why Turbulance (3:33) 9. Stark Raving Sane (2:36) 10. Ecclesiastes (5:43)
1. Still Hurts (2:56) 2. Tides (3:35) 3. Good News Is No News (3:42) 4. Fall Behind (2:55) 5. Idiot Cousin (3:03) 6. Helpless Still Lost (4:40) 7. Insecurity (4:10) 8. Vulgar Display of Powder (3:45) 9. Words Fail Me (2:38) 10. Torment Sorrow Misery Strife (3:16) 11. Deathstimate (7:00)
1. Wreck It Like Beckett (3:18) 2. Kakistocracy (2:58) 3. Callow (3:02) 4. Expelled (3:01) 5. Success? Success Is Survival (3:52) 6. Save Me From The Ordinary (2:57) 7. Crutch (3:00) 8. I Stand Alone (4:08) 9. Dumbdown (3:00) 10. No Sunshine (3:24)
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