Bad Omens - Artificial Suicide Сore | Video Official WebsiteСтиль: MetalcoreФормат: MKV (4K) Размер: 773МбСкачать 815 4 RockMan8 февраля 2022 ReactorLab Посетитель 0 1 618 8 февраля 2022 (11:23) 1 Эмммм... клипы то нахуй кому нужны???Кто-то в наше время скачивает клипы? 8 февраля 2022 (11:23) 1 iowa Журналист 172 5 183 8 февраля 2022 (12:07) 2 Цитата: ReactorLabКто-то в наше время скачивает клипы? может и такие есть 8 февраля 2022 (12:07) 2 RockMan Журналист 142 409 8 февраля 2022 (12:54) 3 Цитата: ReactorLabКто-то в наше время скачивает клипы?Да! Потому что через год-два, в нормальном качестве хрен где найдешь. А пересмотреть захочется.Цитата: iowaможет и такие есть ЕСТЬ! --------------------My TOP albums for all time 1-34:1. ##### - В этой жизни меня подводят доброта и порядочность (2004)2. 7 раса - Качели (2004)3. A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step (2003)4. Access To Arasaka - void (2010)5. Aes Dana - (a) period (2010)6. Amatory - Неизбежность (2004)7. Architects - Lost Forever, Lost Together (2014)8. Architects - All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us (2016)9. At the Drive-In - Relationship of Command (2000)10. Attack Attack! - Attack Attack! (2010)11. Bad Omens - The Death Of Peace Of Mind (2022)12. Beastie Boys - Hello Nasty (1998)13. Beastie Boys - To The 5 Boroughs (2004)14. Blink 182 - Take Off Your Pants And Jacket (2001)15. Blink 182 - Blink 182 (2003)16. Bring Me the Horizon - There Is a Hell, Believe Me I've Seen It. There Is a Heaven, Let's Keep It a Secret (2010)17. Bring Me the Horizon - Sempiternal (2013)18. Crazy Town - Darkhorse (2002)19. Cypress Hill - Till Death Do Us Part (2004)20. Deftones - Deftones (2003)21. Deftones - Saturday Night Wrist (2006)22. Emmure - Hindsight (2020)23. Enter Shikari - Common Dreads (2009)24. Glass Cloud - The Royal Thousand (2012)25. Haven - Plastic (2009)26. Hell Is For Heroes - Transmit Disrupt (2005)27. Interpol - Turn on the Bright Lights (2002)28. Invektiva - Life. Hate. Love. Death (2007)29. ISIS - Panopticon (2004)30. Jane Air - Pull Ya Let It Doll Go (2002)31. Killpretty - The Art Of Letting Go (2006)32. Konami Defense System - KDS (2015)33. KOREA - Пульс (2007)34. Korn - Untouchables (2002)My TOP albums for all time 35-68:35. Limp Bizkit - Significant Other (1999)36. Limp Bizkit - Chocolate Starfish And The Hot Dog Flavored Water (2000)37. Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory (2000)38. Love and Death - Between Here and Lost (2013)39. Massive Attack - Mezzanine (1998)40. Monuments - The Amanuensis (2014)41. Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral (1994)42. Nine Inch Nails - Further Down The Spiral (1995)43. Nine Inch Nails - The Fragile (1999)44. Nine Inch Nails - Things Falling Apart (2000)45. Nine Inch Nails - With Teeth (2005)46. Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero (2007)47. Orgy - Punk Static Paranoia (2004)48. P.O.D. - Satellite (2001)49. Radiohead - OK Computer (1997)50. Rage Against the Machine - Evil Empire (1996)51. Rage Against the Machine - The Battle Of Los Angeles (1999)52. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication (1999)53. Slipknot - Slipknot (1999)54. Slipknot - Vol. 3 - The Subliminal Verses (2004)55. Stigmata - Stigmata (2007)56. Stray From The Path - Make Your Own History (2009)57. The Cure - The Cure (2004)58. The Prodigy - The Fat Of The Land (1997)59. Thursday - War All the Time (2003)60. Thursday - No Devolucion (2011)61. ТОЛ - Синдром бажання (2005)62. Биопсихоз - P.L.O.D (2007)63. Психея - Герой поколения Бархат (2001)64. Психея - Каждую секунду пространства (2002)65. Психея - Психея (2004)66. Скрябин - Казки (1997)67. Собаки Табака - Найду, убью! (2009)68. Собаки Табака - Чернь (2024)My favorite bands: 8 февраля 2022 (12:54) 3 i_Seven Журналист 239 11 649 8 февраля 2022 (12:58) 4 Цитата: RockManДа! Потому что через год-два, в нормальном качестве хрен где найдешь. ютюб забанят --------------------топ 2019Slipknot - We Are Not Your KindRammstein - RammsteinWhitechapel - The ValleyColdplay - Everyday LifeBring Me The Horizon - amoKing 810 - Suicide KingDespised Icon - PurgatoryThy Art is Murder - Human TargetAs I Lay Dying - Shaped By FireKorn - The NothingPeriphery - Periphery IV: Hail Stan3TEETH - MetawarMotionless In White - DisguiseThe Devil Wears Prada - The ActNorthlane - AlienNorma Jean - All HailKillswitch Engage - AtonementGuillotines - The Killing Season [EP]Idiot Pilot - Blue BloodKnocked Loose - A Different Shade of Blueтоп 20201. Code Orange - Underneath2. Bring Me the Horizon - Post Human: Survival Horror3. Deftones - Ohms4. Mushroomhead - A Wonderful Life5. Lorna Shore - Immortal6. Aversions Crown - Hell Will Come for Us All7. Ауткаст - Ультра8. Enter Shikari - Nothing Is True & Everything Is Possible9. Greg Puciato - Child Soldier: Creator of God10. Poppy - I Disagree11. Health - Disco4 :: Part I12. Five Finger Death Punch - F813. Trivium - What the Dead Men Say14. King 810 - AK Concerto No. 47: 11th Movement in G Major15. DVSR - West Technique16. The Acacia Strain - Slow Decay17. Black Crown Initiate - Violent Portraits of Doomed Escape18. American Slang - Death Drive19. Ozzy Osbourne - Ordinary Man20. The Used - Heartworkтоп 20211. Architects - For Those That Wish To Exist2. Whitechapel - Kin 3. Fear Factory - Aggression Continuum4. Mastodon - Hushed and Grim5. Gojira - Fortitude6. Born of Osiris - Angel Or AlienHalsey - If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power7. Signs Of The Swarm - Absolvere8. Impending Doom - Hellbent 9. Spiritbox - Eternal Blue10. Morokh - All the Darkness Looks Alive11. We Butter The Bread With Butter - Das Album12. (hed) p.e. - Sandmine (EP)13. Thoughtcrimes - Misery's a Muse [EP]14. Turnstile - Glow On 15. Poppy - Flux16. Times of Grace - Songs of Loss and Separation17. Limp Bizkit - STILL SUCKS18. Cradle of Filth - Existence Is Futile19. Employed To Serve - Conquering20. Archspire – Bleed The Futureтоп 20221. Slipknot - The End, So Far2. Rammstein - Zeit3. Underoath - Voyeurist4. Lorna Shore - Pain Remains5. Norma Jean - Deathrattle Sing For Me6. Architects - The Classic Symptoms Of A Broken Spirit7. Machine Head - Of Kingdom and Crown8. Northlane - Obsidian9. Parkway Drive - Darker Still10. orphantwin - Future Classic11. Caliban - Dystopia12. Ghost - Impera13. Enterprise Earth - The Chosen14. Fit For An Autopsy - Oh What The Future Holds15. The Devil Wears Prada - Color Decay16. Islander - It’s Not Easy Being Human17. Health - Disco4 :: Part II18. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Cool It Down19. Alexisonfire - Otherness20. Darko US - Oniтоп 20231. Code Orange - The Above2. Periphery - Periphery V: Djent Is Not A Genre3. 3TEETH - EndEx4. Health - Rat Wars5. Дельфин - Прощай Оружие6. Правда - Культура7. Myrkur - Spine8. Thy Art Is Murder - Godlike9. Born Through Fire - Purify And Refine10. Marina - Nuclear11. You Me At Six - Truth Decay12. Sylosis - A Sign Of Things To Come13. Sign Of The Swarm - Among The Low And Empty 14. Bury Tomorrow - The Seventh Sun15. Till Lindemann - Zunge 16. Filter - The Algorithm17. The Ongoing Concept - Again18. Royal Blood - Back To The Water Below19. Johnny Booth - Moments Elsewhere20. For The Fallen Dreams - For The Fallen Dreamsтоп 2024 1. Knocked Loose - You Won't Go Before You're Supposed To2. Linkin Park - From Zero3. Body Count - Merciless 4. Kerry King - From Hell I Rise5. Marilyn Manson - One Assassination Under God: Chapter 16. Worm Shepherd - Hunger7. Dead Icarus - Zealot 8. As I lay dying - Through Storms Ahead9. Falling In Reverse - Popular Monster 10. Kittie - Fire11. Northlane - Mirror’s Edge [EP] 12. Coping Method - Where Spirit Meets Bone13. P.O.D. - Veritas14. Bring Me The Horizon - POST HUMAN: NeX GEn15. Oceano - Living Chaos16. Poppy - Negative Spaces 17. Sum 41 - Heaven :x: Hell18. Full Of Hell - Coagulated Bliss19. Coldplay - Moon Music 20. House of Protection - Galore [EP] 8 февраля 2022 (12:58) 4 Информация Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.