1. What Kind Of God (3:52) 2. Latitudinarian (3:22) 3. Heathen (4:48) 4. Used (3:37) 5. Demon (2:53) 6. Constant Quarrel (3:12) 7. Judgement Of Will (2:54) 8. America The Pitiful (2:50) 9. Whose Left To Decide (4:13) 10. Submerged In Sin (4:11)
1. Follow Jesus (2:43) 2. Cast The First Stone (3:27) 3. Addicted To The Pistol (2:37) 4. Imprisoned (3:47) 5. Re-Terrorizer (2:54) 6. Were About To Fall (3:08) 7. Believers Have A Choice (4:33) 8. Faith Is Still In Season (3:09) 9. Broken Promise (3:32) 10. Where Are You Now? (3:40) 11. Butchered By Numbers (4:31) 12. Antidote (2:33) 13. Spiritual Bankruptcy (3:36) 14. Victims Of Jesus (2:26) 15. Return To Vietnam (5:18) 16. Previously Commipped (1:39)
1. Cast One Vote (2:14) 2. American Freedom (3:45) 3. Miss Misery (3:20) 4. Dictators (4:24) 5. Let's Start A War (3:02) 6. Protege (4:18) 7. Every Dog Has Its Day (3:25) 8. Command Your Fate (3:21) 9. Purchase A New Handgun (4:44) 10. Watch What You Wish For (4:44) 11. Disturbed (2:42)
1. You'll Be Blamed (3:22) 2. The Serpents Tongue (4:23) 3. Rights Of Life (3:14) 4. Envy (2:44) 5. Sign Up (1:51) 6. Another Day In Phoenix (3:58) 7. Whatever, Wherever, Forever (3:05) 8. The Gold Mine (4:55) 9. The Perfect Family (4:53) 10. Pistols, Whiskey And Coyotes (The Spirit Of The West) (1:46) 11. Long Knives (3:06) 12. Ring Of Fire (2:45)
1. Race Of Extinction (4:33) 2. Shoot To Kill (4:40) 3. All We've Become (5:27) 4. Does No Feel Pain (6:26) 5. Betrayal (3:31) 6. Hell Probably Win (2:39) 7. Can The Us Be So Great (4:13) 8. Lined Up And Punished (4:15) 9. Blind Hatred (6:03) 10. Line To Kill (4:51) 11. Special Skills (4:58) 12. To Fight And Die (4:32) 13. Everything Is Rotten (4:56)
1. The Final Skull (3:55) 2. In Control (4:03) 3. Beaten For The Possibility (3:27) 4. Slaves To Society (3:27) 5. The Darkest Age (3:49) 6. Cheater (3:35) 7. Anarchy Nearly Lost (3:03) 8. The Room With Views (4:55) 9. Remnants Of Hate (4:34) 10. The Last Chapter (4:20) 11. World Police (6:03) 12. The Line To Kill (Demo) (4:36) 13. He'll Probably Win (Demo) (2:31) 14. Lined Up And Punished (Demo) (4:06) 15. Everything Is Rotten (Demo) (4:51)
1. Constant Reminders (3:35) 2. Taste Of Insanity (3:41) 3. Hidden Stories (4:17) 4. Glorify The Dead (3:44) 5. Blinded Faith (5:01) 6. Justice Or Fate (3:04) 7. Jailbreak (3:33) 8. Collection Of Souls (3:43) 9. Silver Spoon (3:29) 10. Where Are You Now? (Final Word demo) (3:38) 11. Final Word (Final Word demo) (5:23) 12. Prepare For The Fall (Final Word demo) (3:09) 13. Cast The First Stone (Cast The First Stone ep) (3:30) 14. Fatso (Cast The First Stone ep) (0:28) 15. Antidote (Cast The First Stone ep) (2:39)
1. The Human Machine (5:18) 2. It's What Your Country Can Do For You (6:10) 3. Twisted Truth (3:14) 4. True Color (5:40) 5. Suppress Free Thinking (5:47) 6. A Replica Of Invention (3:24) 7. Faceless Victims Expelled (3:25) 8. Worship The Sun (4:04) 9. The Lack Of Space (3:55) 10. Impale To Kill (4:56)
1. The New Elite (3:32) 2. Rise Up And Fight (4:25) 3. Remove The Knife (3:50) 4. Smile As You're Told (3:30) 5. Redirect The Evil (4:04) 6. Out Of Control (3:49) 7. As Two Worlds Collide (4:49) 8. New Reforms (2:57) 9. Guide Yourself (3:58) 10. Souls Of Dissuade (4:27) 11. Twist Of Fate (5:03)
1. The Witchhunt (4:14) 2. Plans of Hate (3:10) 3. Another Suicide (4:32) 4. Waiting to Die (5:39) 5. The Parable (3:36) 6. God of Thunder (4:48) 7. Remove the Clowns (5:41) 8. Raise Your Sword (5:39) 9. Wipe Out the Aggressor (4:38) 10. Manipulated to Exterminate (6:02) 11. The American Dream (3:30)
1. Subdue the Politician (4:50) 2. Fiction Soon Becomes Reality (4:34) 3. Face Your Fear (3:26) 4. Just Be Yourself (3:00) 5. Just Take My Right Arm (4:09) 6. An Epiphany of Hate (5:25) 7. It's Clearly Eden (5:08) 8. The People of the Damned (4:31) 9. Senses All Will Be Controlled (4:29) 10. Red Alert (4:51)
1. Vindictive Miscreant (5:08) 2. Actions Speak Louder Than Words (5:41) 3. Replaced (4:37) 4. The Inner Strength of the Demon (6:15) 5. The Book (6:21) 6. Engulfed in Paranoia (6:32) 7. The Impossible of Dreams (5:51) 8. Stand Up and Be Counted (4:13)
Создатели легендарного Winamp собираются засудить NVIDIA и Suno
Владелец Winamp, Llama Group, обвинил NVIDIA и стартап Suno в том, что те якобы без разрешения использовали музыку с их платформы Jamendo для обучения ИИ. Попытки решить всё по-хорошему провалились — компании молчат, и теперь на сцену выходят юристы. Если дело дойдёт до суда, это может поставить точку в вопросе законности обучения ИИ на чужой музыке.