Картинку больше не нашел. У кого есть - опишитесь.Bitrate: VBR(~250kbps)
Size: 67,3Mb
Playtime: 00:39:58
1. Let You Know
2. Problems
3. Heart Attack
4. Jarrod Isn't Funny
5. As You Sleep
6. Old Scratch
7. Again
8. Skee-Ball
9. Lemon Pez Love
10. Why
11. She Still Loves Me
12. Thank You; Kennywood (hidden track)
iFolder |
Bitrate: 192kbps
Size: 40,8Mb
Playtime: 00:29:36
1. Floor Creature
2. Much More
3. Fall A Little Harder
4. My Turn
5. Bingo
6. Looking For A Teen Friendship
7. Three Months To A Lifetime
8. Wait
9. Arras
10. A Sore Back And A Broken Heart
iFolder |
Bitrate: 192kbps
Size: 63,2Mb
Playtime: 00:45:32
1. Open Up - 2:46
2. Not Afraid - 3:22
3. The World - 3:31
4. Heart Transplant - 3:54
5. Time In A Transplant - 5:06
6. Coldest Of Calenders - 4:02
7. Getting There Is Getting By - 3:34
8. Why Is He Right? - 2:22
9. Battlescars - 4:23
10. A Sharp Is A Flat - 3:56
11. A Beautiful Green - 3:56
12. Just Getting Started - 4:38
iFolder |
Bitrate: 320kbps
Size: 88,6Mb
Playtime: 00:38:32
1. Flashlight
2. Don't Try This At Home
3. The Getaway
4. Green Light
5. Caller 10
6. For The Second Time
7. The Fake, The Snake, And The Birthday Cake
8. How Could You
9. Wars Will Always Happen
10. They Are Strong Hands
11. Exactly
iFolder |
Bitrate: VBR(~210kbps)
Size: 62,8Mb
Playtime: 00:41:26
1. Ghostie - 3:14
2. The Hit - 2:49
3. Punish Or Privilege - 2:32
4. Maybe I'm Wrong - 3:26
5. Somewhere In The Dark - 2:58
6. Just Say Yes - 4:49
7. How Does This Happen? - 3:22
8. Get Off My Train! - 3:08
9. Developing You, Camera - 3:53
10. My White Collared Shirt - 3:17
11. The Other Piano Man - 2:48
12. Castaway - 5:03
iFolder |
Bitrate: ~192kbps
Size: 88,2Mb
Playtime: 01:07:39
01. Heart of Gold
02. Lanes
03. Pretty Petty
04. Over You
05. She Always Leaves
06. Castaway (punk version)
07. I Live a Lie
08. Behind the Scenes
09. Downtown
10. Let a Lion
11. Battlescars (acoustic)
12. Coldest of Calendars (piano version)
13. Getting There is Getting By (acoustic)
14. A Trip to the Other Side
15. Icicles
16. All Hopped Up On Jingle Bells
17. Don't Try This At Home (acoustic)
18. Greenlight (acoustic)
19. Pretty Petty (2005)
20. Punish or PJ
iFolder |
MultiUploadКо многим EP нет обложки нормального размера.Major Motion Picture EP (2001)
Bitrate: 192kbps
Size: 40,9Mb
Playtime: 00:29:38
1. Express
2. I Don't Know
3. Weekends
4. Here Goes Nothing
5. You Mean the World to Me
6. Yearlong Winter
7. Cold as You
8. Lights Out
iFolder |
MediaFireThe Rewind EP (2003)
СкачатьChristmas EP (2007)(Обложка отсутствует)Bitrate: VBR(~168kbps)
Size: 11Mb
Playtime: 00:09:11
1. Icicles
2. The Punchline Christmas Rap
3. All Hopped Up On Jingle Bells
iFolder |
MediaFireJust Say Maybe EP (2008)
Bitrate: VBR(~282kbps)
Size: 28,2Mb
Playtime: 00:14:19
1. Maybe I'm Wrong
2. She Always Leaves
3. Over You
4. Castaway (Punk Rock)
iFolder |
MediaFireThe Heart Of Gold Collection (2009)Новость от Izzya_ua