Alterportal V2 » Дискографии » Psycroptic - ДИСКОГРАФИЯ (2001-2010)
Psycroptic - ДИСКОГРАФИЯ (2001-2010)

"The Isle Of Disenchantment" 2001
Psycroptic - ДИСКОГРАФИЯ (2001-2010)
1. Carnival of Vulgarity
2. The Sword of Uncreation
3. Condemned by Discontent
4. Netherworld Reality
5. The Isle of Disenchantment
6. Of Dull Eyes Borne
7. Psycroptipath
8. Beneath the Ground we Dwell
9. The Labyrinth


"The Scepter Of The Ancients"2003
Psycroptic - ДИСКОГРАФИЯ (2001-2010)
1. The Color of Sleep
2. Battling the Misery of Organon
3. Lacertine Forest
4. Psycrology
5. Skin Coffin
6. Cruelty Incarnate
7. The Valley of Winds Breath and Dragons Fire
8. A Planetary Discipline
9. The Scepter of Jaar-Gilon


"Symbols Of Failure"2006
Psycroptic - ДИСКОГРАФИЯ (2001-2010)
1. Alpha Breed
2. Missionaries of a future to come
3. Merchants of deceit
4. Minions: the falleny
5. Repairing the dimensional cluster
6. Epoch of the gods
7. Our evolutionary architecture
8. An experiment in transience
9. Cleansing a misguided path


Psycroptic - ДИСКОГРАФИЯ (2001-2010)
1. Ob(Servant)
2. A Calculated Effort
3. Slaves Of Nil
4. The Shifting Equilibrium
5. Removing The Common Bond
6. Horde In Devolution
7. Blood Stained Lineage
8. Immortal Army Of One
9. Initiate


"Initiation (live)"2010

Psycroptic - ДИСКОГРАФИЯ (2001-2010)

1. A Calculated Effort 7:36
2. Merchants of Deceit 5:28
3. Ob(Servant) 4:01
4. The Sword of Uncreation 4:15
5. Skin Coffin 5:08
6. A Horde in Devolution 6:03
7. Carnival of Vulgarity 4:39
8. Epoch of the Gods 5:14
9. Lacertine Forest 3:53
10. Immortal Army of One 5:58
11. The Color of Sleep 5:08
12. Initiate 8:14

30 июня 2010
Cleric09 Посетитель  0  63
30 июля 2011 (22:04) 1
Все удалено - что за нахрен!!! foolreall_angry
30 июля 2011 (22:04) 1
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