1. Blue Skies
2. Maybe Tomorrow
3. Autumn Tears
4. Deceived
5. Unanswered Prayers
6. Through Dark Days
7. Embrace The End
8. Last Goodbye
1. It Ate Everybody
2. Biography of a Fever
3. Carbombs and Conversations
4. Headlines and Death Tolls
5. Memento Mori
6. The Devil Rides a Pale Horse
7. Frankie is a Cutter
8. Tempest Tried and Tortured (the Bloodening)
9. After Me the Floods
10. The Fathers Right Hand (My Lai)
1. The End of Six Thousand Years - Immortal Fading
2. The End of Six Thousand Years - Last Requiem
3. The End of Six Thousand Years - A Burial
4. Embrace The End - Memento Mori
5. Embrace The End - Tempest Tried and Tortured
6. Embrace The End - The Father's Right Hand
1. Cop In A Cage
2. Denim On Denim Hate Crime
3. Intensity In Ten Cities
4. Trainwreck On The John Galt Line
5. Ride It Like You Stole It
6. Pity On The Road To Bimini
7. Overnighter
8. Sport The New Plague
9. Ley Lines
10. The God Switch