1. We Prefer The Term "Living Impaired" (4:20)

1. Big Tasty (6:07)
2. Everyone Is Dead To Me (3:58)
3. Battle Of The Spidermen (6:21)
4. We Prefer The Term Living Impaired (4:20)

1. There's A Reason You're Single (4:47)
2. Everyone Is Dead To Me (3:36)
3. Battle of the Spider-Men! (6:06)

1. Duct Taped To A Flag Pole (5:15)

1. Duct Taped to a Flagpole (5:31)
2. Tyrone, You Put That Sugar Down (4:18)
3. High Five Ghost (5:24)
4. There is a Reason Why You're Single (4:47)
5. Everyone is Dead to Me (3:36)
6. Battle of the Spider-Men! (6:06)

1. Russian Zombie Smack (Krokodil) (4:02)
2. Jack vs the Exotic Crustacean (5:21)
3. There's a Reason You're Single (4:47)
4. Keg Stand by Me (5:22)
5. Ectomy Part 1 (Get Back to Work) (1:06)
6. Ectomy Part 2 (Brutalitarian Rhapsody) (0:28)
7. Interested Is Not the Word (4:56)
8. Battle of the Spider-Men! (4:18)
9. Screech Even Sold His Body to Science (6:32)
10. We Prefer the Term Living Impaired (4:34)

1. Everyone Is Still Dead To Me (4:35)
2. Soft, White, Gelatinous Body (5:57)
3. Fornicating In Ethically Sourced Fair Trade Chocolate (3:16)
4. Keg Crusher (4:27)
5. Partypocalypse (4:28)

1. Parasitic Ejaculation - Pooling Wretched Stagnation (1:39)
2. Parasitic Ejaculation - Amalgamating Beings of Deformity (3:10)
3. Parasitic Ejaculation - Grande Coffee with a Smegma Toast (3:12)
4. Party Cannon - Tactical Chunder (6:36)
5. Party Cannon - Naked Beach Frenzy (2:48)
6. Party Cannon - Electric Soldier Porygon (4:37)
7. Gorevent - BxTxS (4:00)
8. Gorevent - Time of Explosion (3:02)
9. Gorevent - Meat Bullet Yamato (2:43)
10. Bloodscribe - Indoctrination (2:24)
11. Bloodscribe - Digression (3:39)
12. Bloodscribe - Cultivated by Resentment (3:38)

1. Tactical Chunder (6:49)
2. Grass Obliteration (Blazed and Confused) (2:45)
3. Nauseating and Unpalatable (5:40)
4. Naked Beach Frenzy (2:47)
5. 60 Stone Threesome (6:07)
6. 1000% (2:40)
7. Electric Soldier Porygon (4:51)
8. I Believe in Dani Filth (6:07)
9. The Dirty Bubble (6:56)