Alterportal V2 » Metal » Transcending Bizarre? - The Serpent's Manifolds (2008)
Transcending Bizarre? - The Serpent's Manifolds (2008)
Transcending Bizarre? - The Serpent's Manifolds (2008)
Стиль: Symphonic | Avant-Garde Black Metal Transcending Bizarre? - The Serpent's Manifolds (2008)

01. Dat Rosa Mel Apibus 1:05
02. Irreversible 3:53
03. Cosmic Zero Equation 3:51
04. The Serpent's Manifolds 5:34
05. Dimension Hell 3:39
06. Cell 6:18
07. Writhing Coils of Construction 4:04
08. The Music Of the Spheres 4:53
09. The Navelless One 4:25
10. Infinite 9:14

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16 марта 2009
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