Alterportal V2 » Rock » The Faint - Fasciinatiion (2008)
The Faint - Fasciinatiion (2008)
The Faint - Fasciinatiion (2008)

Artist: The Faint
Title: Fasciinatiion
Label: Blank.wav
Genre: Indie
Bitrate: 197kbit av.
Time: 00:35:00
Size: 51.99 mb
Rip Date: 2008-08-05
Str Date: 2008-08-05

1. Get Seduced 4:22
2. The Geeks Were Right 2:56
3. Machine In The Ghost 3:19
4. Fulcrum And Lever 3:22
5. Psycho 2:51
6. Mirror Error 3:43
7. I Treat You Wrong 3:20
8. Forever Growing Centipedes 3:53
9. Fish In A Womb 3:16
10. A Battle Hymn For Children 3:58

Release Notes:

When the Faint emerged from out of nowhere and released the
twenty-five minute long Blank Wave Arcade, an EP that had one
of the most efficient length-to-influence ratios in music
history, it seemed like they were a band that had
single-handedly ended the moratorium on synthesizers in rock

Though the reaction to their records since has never quite
again climbed the triple-tiered keyboard stand of
transcendence from which they threw down that first left-field
release (like a Moses crossed with Gary Numan), they have
consistently honed their production and stripped their sound
down to the essentials. The Faint has posted a new song on
their site from their upcoming release, Fasciination. The
Geeks Were Right is lamentably slower and more focused on the
lyrics than most of the standout tracks on 2004s Wet From
Birth, but despite that, this muffled energy still shows off
their status as auteurs in a realm of synth production that
owes a whole library of sounds to the ingenuity of this band.
Their trademark fear of the future is more schtick than
paranoia-driven at this point, but the chorus intro line, I
saw the future, can refer just as easily in the (deservedly)
self-aggrandizing hip-hop mode to the bands
self-acknowledgment as the guys who ushered in of an era of
synth-based indie rock.

10 января 2009
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