1. For Respect (2:43) 2. Chief Sitting Duck (2:21) 3. New Laws (5:54) 4. Nicked And Liqued (2:40) 5. Rocco (2:47) 6. Subdued Confections (2:29) 7. Got A Mile, Got A Mile, Got An Inch (5:06) 8. Our Caballero (2:07) 9. Bears See Things Pretty Much The Way They Are (3:26) 10. Well Built Road (6:05) 11. Belted Sweater (2:06)
1. Stupid Puma (4:20) 2. Please Tokio, Please This Is Tokio (11:18) 3. Dick Suffers Is Furious With You (3:43) 4. Cold Knees (In April) (10:59) 5. P, P, P, Antless (9:11) 6. Repeat Defender (4:14) 7. Rollerblade Success Story (4:30) 8. No One Gives A Hoot About Faux-Ass Nonsense (10:43)
1. Don Caballero 3 (9:42) 2. In the Abscence of Strong Evidence to the Contrary, One May Step Out of the Way of the Charging Bull (4:35) 3. Delivering the Groceries at 138 Beats Per Minute (5:44) 4. Slice Where You Live Like Pie (5:09) 5. Room Temperature Suite (5:31) 6. The World in Perforated Lines (3:52) 7. From the Desk of Elsewhere Go (7:48) 8. June is Finally Here (4:56)
1. Lucky Father Brown (3:16) 2. Belted Sweater (2:08) 3. Shoe Shine (5:31) 4. Unresolved Kharma (4:14) 5. Puddin' In My Eye (2:56) 6. My Ten Year Old Lady Is Giving It Away (5:46) 7. Our Caballero (2:08) 8. ANDANDANDANDANDANDANDANDANDAND (2:17) 9. First Hits (3:27) 10. No More Peace And Quiet For The Warlike (4:36) 11. If You've Read Dr. Adder Then You Know What I Want (1:06) 12. Trey Dog's Acid (3:52) 13. Room Temperature Lounge (5:07)
1. Fire Back About Your New Baby's Sex (4:43) 2. The Peter Criss Jazz (10:36) 3. Haven't Lived Afro Pop (7:35) 4. You Drink A Lot Of Coffee For A Teenager (2:41) 5. Ones All Over The Place (9:01) 6. I Never Liked You (4:59) 7. Details On How To Get Iceman On Your License Plate (5:36) 8. A Lot Of People Tell Me I Have A Fake British Accent (5:24) 9. Let's Face It Pal, You Didn't Need That Eye Surgery (5:10)
1. Mmmmm Acting, I Love Me Some Good Acting (5:54) 2. Sure We Had Knives Around (5:19) 3. And And And, He Lowered The Twin Down (4:15) 4. I Agree... No!... I Disagree (4:32) 5. Palm Trees In The Fecking Bahamas (3:54) 6. World Class Listening Problem (4:50) 7. Railroad Cancellation (5:18) 8. Theme From Bricktop Clowns (1:49) 9. Savage Composition (4:42) 10. I'm Goofballs For Bozo Jazz (4:35)
1. Loudest Shop Vac in the World (8:56) 2. The Irrespective Dick Area (1:31) 3. Bulk Eye (4:57) 4. Shit Kids Galore (1:03) 5. Celestial Dusty Groove (2:34) 6. Pour You Into the Rug (3:23) 7. Challenge Jets (2:37) 8. Lord Krepelka (4:23) 9. Why Is the Couch Always Wet? (3:28) 10. Slaughbaughs' Ought Not Own Dog Data (4:43) 11. Dirty Looks (1:44) 12. Who's a Puppy Cat (1:42) 13. Awe Man That's Jive Skip (4:01) 14. Punkgasm (3:51)
1. Schuman Center '91 (3:32) 2. For Respect (2:17) 3. Subdued Confections (2:24) 4. Belted Sweater (1:58) 5. Our Caballero (2:00) 6. First Hits (3:23) 7. Waltor (3:06) 8. Lucky Father Brown (3:06) 9. Puddin' In My Eye (2:42) 10. Rocco (2:52) 11. My Ten Year Old Lady Is Giving It Away (5:36)
Sebastiannno2992, Еще agonoize есть, скоро обещал вернуться с новой музыкой, grendel там. Хотя да жанр уже не так популярен как в те времена, бум уже не тот...