Guns N'Roses - авторы лучшей хард-рок композиции всех времен

музыкальный канал VH1 составил TOP100 хард-рок композиций всех времен, первое место в котором заняла композиция Guns N'Roses "Welcome To The Jungle" . Второе и третье места заняли AC/DC с песней "Back In Black" и Led Zeppelin "Whole Lotta Love"
6 января 2009
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Tortuga - Kings Of Albany (2008)

стиль: Hardcore
1. The Lachrymose (2:54)
2. Dance Like No-Ones Watching (1:27)
3. Bury Me In You (Fatal) (2:23)
4. Somethingness (2:01)
5. The Laudanum Boys Cub (2:23)
6. Nothingness (2:17)
7. Winter's Widow (4:07)
8. The Tomb Of John Wortley (3:33)
9. Hell's Red Roads (3:23)
10. Something Blue (1:57)
11. This Lonely Sailor (5:52)
6 января 2009
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Lunatic Soul - Lunatic Soul (2008)

стиль:Progressive Rock
формат: FLAC
размер: 309 mb
1. Prebirth (1:10)
2. The New Beginning (4:49)
3. Out On A Limb (5:27)
4. Summerland (4:59)
5. Lunatic Soul (6:47)
6. Where The Darkness Is Deepest (3:57)
7. Near Life Experience (5:26)
8. Adrift (3:05)
9. The Final Truth (7:34)
10. Waiting For The Dawn (3:35)
5 января 2009
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Destroy Destroy Destroy - Battle Sluts [2009]

Стиль: Melodic Death Metal / Thrash Metal Destroy Destroy Destroy - Battle Sluts [2009]
1. The Second Coming 1:42
2. Battle Upon The Arctic Plains 4:12
3. Beyond The Scorpion Gate 4:05
4. Realm Of Ancient Shadows 3:44
5. Born Of Thunder 3:51
6. To Die Without Honor (Interlude) 1:13
7. The Winged Panther 4:18
8. The Wretched Forrest 3:02
9. The Berserkers Field Of Whores 2:45
10. Agents Of Hypocrisy 3:56
11. Return Of The Geishmal Undead 5:45
12. Battle Slut Drinking Song 3:15
5 января 2009
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DevilDriver - The Fury Of Our Maker's Hand (2005)

Стиль: Groove Metal / Melodic Death Metal DevilDriver - The Fury Of Our Maker's Hand (2005)
Размер: 553.1 МБ (Flac)
01. End Of The Line
02. Driving Down The Darkness
03. Grinf**ked
04. Hold Back The Day
05. Sin & Sacrifice
06. Ripped Apart
07. Pale Horse Apocalypse
08. Just Run
09. Impending Disaster
10. Bear Witness Unto
11. Before The Hangman's Noose
12. The Fury Of Our Maker's Hand
13. Unlucky 13
14. Guilty As Sin
15. Digging Up The Corpses
16. I Could Care Less (Live)
17. Hold Back The Day (Live)
18. Ripped Apart (Live)
5 января 2009
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Static-X - Machine (2001)

Стиль: Industrial Metal
01. Bien Venidos
02. Get to the Gone
03. Permanence
04. Black and White
05. This Is Not
06. Otsego Undead
07. Cold
08. Structural Defect
09. Shit in a Bag
10. Burn to Burn
11. Machine
12. A Dios Alma Perdida
5 января 2009
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In Fear And Faith - Your World On Fire (2009)

стиль: mall emo | post hardcore

01. Intro
02. Pirates...The Sequel
03. Your World on Fire
04. The Taste of Regret
05. The End
06. The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions (feat. Craig Owens)
07. You Already Know You're a Goner
08. Live Love Die
09. Strength in Numbers (feat. Jeremy McKinnon)
10. Relapse Collapse
5 января 2009
 10 Далее 
Dredg - El Cielo (2003)

стиль:Alternative Rock | Progressive Rock
формат: FLAC
размер: 364 mb
1. Brushstroke (0:57)
2. Same Ol' Road (5:14)
3. Sanzen (4:34)
4. Brushstroke - New Heart Shadow (1:33)
5. Triangle (5:03)
6. Sorry But It's Over (4:08)
7. Convalescent (3:32)
8. Brushstroke - Walk In The Park (1:40)
9. Eighteen People Living In Harmony (4:28)
10. Scissor Lock (3:23)
11. Brushstroke - Reprise (1:32)
12. Of The Room (3:44)
13. Brushstroke - An Elephant In The Delta Waves (1:47)
14. It Only Took A Day (3:16)
15. Whoa Is Me (5:36)
16. The Canyon Behind Her (6:40)
5 января 2009
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Dredg - Leitmotif (2001)

стиль:Alternative Rock | Progressive Rock
формат: FLAC
размер: 301mb
1. The Symbol Song (4:23)
2. Movement I - @45°N, 180W° (1:01)
3. Lechium (6:24)
4. Movement II - Crosswind Minuet (1:32)
5. Traversing Through the Artic Cold We Search For The Spirit Of Yuta & Intermission (6:37)
6. Movement III - Lyndon (3:07)
7. Pengiuns In The Desert (4:13)
8. Movement IV - RR (2:59)
9. Yatahaze (3:44)
10. Movement V - 90 Hour Sleep (20:20)
4 января 2009
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DevilDriver - The Last Kind Words (2007)

Стиль: Groove Metal / Melodic Death Metal DevilDriver - The Last Kind Words (2007)
Размер: 385.6 МБ (Flac)
01. Not All Who Wander Are Lost
02. Clouds Over California
03. Bound by the Moon
04. Horn of Betrayal
05. These Fighting Words
06. Head on to Heartache (Let Them Rot)
07. Burning Sermon
08. Monsters of the Deep
09. Tirades of Truth
10. When Summoned
11. The Axe Shall Fall
4 января 2009
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Enslavement of Beauty - Mere Contemplations (2007)

стиль: Melodic Black | Gothic Metal
формат: FLAC
размер: 339.5 mb
1. A Study Of Love And Metaphors (3:21)
2. X And Moments (4:07)
3. The Perilous Pursuit Of Volition (3:31)
4. Exit There; And Disappear (5:07)
5. An Affinity For Exuberance (3:58)
6. Abundance Extends To Lush (3:44)
7. I Raise My Craving Hands (3:27)
8. Nostalgia Grows (3:09)
9. Impressions (4:07)
10. 11:23 pm (5:12)
11. Sonnet #CXLIV (bonus track) (4:30)
4 января 2009
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Enslavement of Beauty - Megalomania (2001)

стиль: Melodic Black | Gothic Metal
формат: FLAC
размер: 429 mb
1. Dainty Delusive Doll (4:05)
2. The Venial Blur (3:22)
3. Late Night - Red Wine Blight (4:12)
4. Malignant Midwinter Murders (4:22)
5. Comme Il Faut (4:51)
6. Benign Bohemian Brilliance (3:55)
7. Prudence kept her Purity (3:34)
8. Seven Dead Orchids (3:06)
9. The Dying buds of May (4:53)
10. Fifteen Minutes (5:38)
11. Ye that Tempteth - Ye that Bequeth (4:00)
12. C17-H19-N03-H20 (3:12)
13. Tangled in Grand Affection (3:46)
14. Crowd of Mourners (3:58)
4 января 2009
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